Scheda ricercatore


Cristina Failla


The research areas of my studies comprise:

  1. the role of dermal microvascular endothelial cells in the inflammatory processes and in cell-to-cell cross talks with leukocytes;
  2. immune responses to skin tumors with special attention to immunoterapy;
  3. 3D alternative models of human skin.

I had my Master degree (Laurea) in Biological Sciences, full mark cum laude, in 1991 at the University of Rome “Sapienza”, working in the Plant Molecular Biology field. Then, in 1992, I passed the State examination required to practice the biologist profession in Italy. In 1996, I have been recognized with the Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology at the University of Rome “Sapienza”, performing studies in Biochemistry and Virology.
From 1991 to 1995, I have worked at Merck Research Laboratories/IRBM P. Angeletti, Department of Biochemistry, Pomezia, as Research Fellow and as Ph.D. student. In 1995 I joined the Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory at IDI-IRCCS in Rome and, in 2013, I moved to the Experimental Immunology Laboratory at IDI-IRCCS where I am currently working.
From 2002 to 2008, I had a teaching assignment of the Course “Applied Biology”, Physiotherapy and Nursing Degree, Medical Faculty, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
In 2014, I have received the National Certification as Associate Professor for the sections 05/E2, Molecular Biology, and 05/F1, Applied Biology.

Progetti di ricerca
  • Le metastasi linfonodali nel melanoma cutaneo: meccanismi di diffusione e validazione di nuovi marcatori, Ricerca Corrente del Ministero della Salute
  • La Vitiligine quale potenziale indicatore della risposta all’immunoterapia nel Melanoma cutaneo
  • Prevenzione e cura di patologie dermatologiche mediante Nanoceria, POR Regione Lazio 2021-2023
    Microbiota cutaneo dell’ulcera diabetica e tempo di guarigione
  • Associated Editor of Heliyon, Elsevier Publications, and Guest Editor for two Special issues of the International Journal of Molecular Science and of Biomedicines, MDPI Editions
  • Elected Board Member of the Italian Platform for Alternative Methods (IPAM), and of the Lega Italiana Lotta ai Tumori (LILT), section of Rome
  • Intellectual property of three international patents: 1) 23.02.94- n° PCT/IT95/00018; 2) 31.07.07- n° PCT/IT07/000551; 3) 05.04.16 – n° PCT/IT16/102016000034933
Associazioni professionali
  • Italian Platform for Alternative Methods (IPAM), Board Member
  • European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR)
  • Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare (SIBBM)
